Automation of disclosure requirements under SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 2011
Transactions undertaken in the depository system under Regulation 29and Regulation 31of Takeover Regulations do not require manual filing anymore.
Draft notification of Motor Third Party Premium Rates for the Financial Year (FY) 2022-23
A discount of 7.5% on Motor TP premium rates for Hybrid Electric Vehicles is proposed. This will be an incentive to use environment friendly vehicles.
The Central Motor Vehicles (Draft Amendment) Rules, 2022.
An electronic application by the registered vehicle scrapping facility, for the cancellation of certificate of registration, shall be made on the portal to any registering authority of the state in which the vehicle is currently registered, in Form 25A, accompanied by “no dues” for vehicle scrapping and the Certificate of Deposit issued in Form 2 under the Motor Vehicles (Registration and Functions of Vehicle Scrapping Facility) Rules, 2021.
Ministry of Commerce extends the last date for submission of applications under certain Scrip based Schemes.
The total reward which may be granted to an IEC holder under the Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS) shall not exceed Rs. 2 Crore per IEC (Importer-exporter code) on exports made in the period 01.09.2020 to 31.12.2020 [period based on Let Export Order (LEO) date of shipping bill(s)].
The Employees’ State Insurance (Central) Amendment Rules, 2022.
As per the amendment under rule 55 which deals with sickness benefits in which a person shall be qualified to claim sickness benefit for sickness occurring during any benefit period if the contributions in respect of him were payable for not less than seventy-eight days in] the corresponding contribution period and shall be entitled to receive such benefit at the daily standard benefit rate for the period of his sickness
IRDAI directs insurers to disclose underwriting philosophy of offering Health Insurance Coverage to Transgender persons.
As per the provisions of IRDAI (Health Insurance) Regulations, 2016, every insurer shall evolve a health insurance underwriting policy covering approach and aspects relating to offering health insurance coverage not only to standard lives but also to substandard lives and further Attention is also drawn to provision of The Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act, 2019.
DGFT revises Import policy of only ‘Drosophila melanogaster’
The import policy is revised from restricted to ‘Free’ subject to IBSC approval, as per the provisions of the ‘Revised Simplified Procedures/ Guidelines on Import, Export and Exchange of GE organisms and products thereof for R&D purpose’ notified by the Department of Biotechnology.