Limited Liability Partnership(Second Amendment) Rules, 2022
It is clarified that Statement of Account & Solvency shall be signed on behalf of the Limited Liability Partnership by designated partners. Once the corporate insolvency process is initiated, Statement of Account & Solvency shall be signed on behalf of the LLP by administrator of Limited Liability Partnership, interim resolution professional, resolution professional or liquidator.
Draft MSME policy document for MSMEs in India
The MSMEs seeks to Stimulate efficiency and productivity of MSME sector to generate income, employment and become part of domestic and global value chains taking into account structural transformation, competitive edge, demographic dividend and regional balance.
The Goa Registration of Births and Deaths (Amendment) Rules, 2021.
The Amendment is brought under rule 10 where the birth of any child has been registered without a name, the parent or guardian of such child shall, within a period of 12 months from the date of registration of the birth of child, give information regarding the name of the child to the Registrar either orally or in writing.
The Draft Motor Vehicles (Registration and Functions of Vehicle Scrapping Facility Amendment) Rules, 2022.
‘Certificate of Deposit’ means the certificate issued by the Registered Vehicle Scrapping Facility (RVSF) to recognise the submission of the vehicle from the registered owner to the RVSF for further treatment.”
The Aadhaar (Enrolment and Update) (Ninth Amendment) Regulations, 2022.
The Amendment is brought under regulation 28(1) which deals with cases requiring deactivation of aadhar number.
Ministry of Finance notifies the manner and period regarding the declaration to be made by LICs.
A person whose name is entered in the register of members of the Corporation as the holder of shares in the Corporation but who does not hold beneficial interest in such shares shall, within a period of thirty days from the date on which the name of such person is entered in that register, make a declaration in Form I.