The Central Electricity Authority (Installation and Operation of Meters) (Amendment) Regulations, 2022.

Consumer meters shall generally be owned by the licensee:
Provided that in case the licensee has engaged the services of Advanced Metering Infrastructure Service Provider to provide Advanced Metering Infrastructure services for an Advanced Metering Infrastructure project area, the ownership of meters shall remain with Advanced Metering Infrastructure Service Provider during the contract period”.

The Marine Products Export Development Authority (Amendment) Rules, 2021.

Every application for the registration of a fishing vessel, processing plant, storage premises for marine products, conveyance used for the transport of marine products, peeling shed, fresh or chilled fish handling centre, live fish handling centre or dried fish handling centre shall be made to the Secretary or other officer authorised by him in Form I, Form II, Form II a, Form II b, Form II c and Form II d, Form III or Form IV, as the case may be, obtainable from the offices of the Authority on payment of rupees two hundred for each application.

Vinyl Chloride Monomer (Quality Control) Order, 2021.

The Vinyl Chloride Monomer shall bear the Standard Mark IS 17442:2020 under a licence from the Bureau of Indian Standards as per Scheme-I of Schedule-II of the Bureau of Indian Standards (Conformity Assessment) Regulations, 2018.

Ministry of Education launches Bhasha Certifiate Selfie campaign.

To receive a certificate authorized by Ministry of Education, a user needs to download the mobile app, available in both Android and iOS versions, select any language from 22 scheduled Indian languages, finish all the levels, give a test and earn a certificate.

SEBI clarifies the regulatory intent behind public dissemination of data in a disclosure based regulatory regime

As far as the data provided by various data sources in Indian securities markets pursuant to regulatory mandates for reporting and disclosure in public domain are concerned, such data should be made available to users, ‘free of charge’ both for ‘viewing’ the data as also for download in the format as specified by regulatory mandate for reporting, as well as their usage for the value addition purposes.