RBI cautions public against Prepaid Payment Instruments (non-closed) issued by unauthorised entities.
The members of public should verify and satisfy themselves that the application used or the entity they are dealing with is authorised to carry out the activity it performs or assures to perform.
Government of Haryana has notified amendment under Haryana Building Code,2017.
No dormitory room shall have an occupancy of less than four, i.e., no less than four beds shall be provided in a dormitory room. The calculation of occupancy of each dormitory room shall be based on the no. of beds proposed.
Ministry of Electronic notifies Draft India Data Accessibility & Use Policy 2022.
The policy will be applicable to all data and information generated, created, collected or archived by the central government and authorised agencies.The State governments will also be free to adopt the provisions of this policy and the protocols as applicable.
Tea Board extends the last date for submission of views and comments on the Draft Tea promotion and Development Bill, 2022.
Every stakeholders including the respective associations shall be liable to obtain a certificate of registration issued by the board and it shall remain valid for a period of 15 years or such period higher than 15 years and every registered person shall be liable to submit to the board such returns at such times as may be specified.
Regulations for use of Power Generating Sets for effective control of air pollution in Delhi-NCR
It is provided that in industrial areas where gas pipeline infrastructure is not available, DG sets not retrofitted to run in a hybrid mode, shall be permitted to run only for a maximum of one(l) hour a day.
The Drone (Amendment) Rules, 2022
Remote Pilot Certificate means the certificate issued by an authorized remote pilot training organization to any individual.