Karnataka State AYUSH University Act, 2021.

Any institution situated within the University Area other than a college which conduct research or specified studies, may be recognised by the Executive Council as the recognised institution for such purpose and in such manner and subject to such conditions as may be prescribed by the Statutes.

The Inland Vessels (Safe Navigation, Communication and Signals) Draft Rules 2022.

No new inland vessel shall be issued with the certificate of survey under the Act and the Inland Vessels (Survey and Certification) Rules, 2022, unless such vessel complies with requirements related to Safe Navigation, Communication and Signals including the physical design of the inland vessel or equipment that the inland vessel must carry, or those which are operational or procedural in nature.

RBI RRA Interim Recommendations- Second tranche

RRA has recommended elimination of paper-based returns and has identified 65 regulatory returns which would either be discontinued/ merged with other returns or would be converted into online returns.