SEBI notified new disclosure format for abridged prospectus.
In order to further simplify, provide greater clarity and consistency in the disclosures across various documents and to provide additional but critical information in the abridged prospectus, the format for disclosures in the abridged prospectus has been revised.
UGC instructs higher education institutions (HEI) to follow the new guidelines for creating a healthy and tobacco-free environment in colleges.
The Educational Institution should designate Tobacco Monitor(s) from amongst their staff, an official or a teacher or a student representative. Health & Wellness Ambassadors should also be designated as Tobacco Monitors. The name, designation and phone number of the Tobacco Monitor(s) should also be mentioned on the signages.
ESIC issues notice inviting EOI for Empanerment of Hospitals/Health care organisations (HCos) / Diagnostic Centres for providing Super-speciality treatment in the North-East Region (NER).
ESIC has invited EOI from Government/Semi Government / CGHS panel / Private Hospitals / Diagnostic centers of repute located in the North East Region (Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Tripura, Manipur, Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh) for providing super-speciality treatment & diagnostic services on cashless basis as per OGHS rates (given at its website) to ESI beneficiary.
E-Counselling for students seeking admission into 100 new Sainik Schools.
The Sainik Schools Society (SSS) will publicize widely to intimate students to apply for e-Counselling along with timelines. A link will be sent to individual applicant students securing more than qualifying marks as prescribed by SSS from time to time through email or mobile numbers.
Clarification regarding the Most-Favoured-Nation (MFN) clause in the Protocol to India’s DTAAs with certain countries
CBDT issues conditions for applicability of the MFN clause and benefit of the lower rate or restricted scope of source taxation rights in relation to certain items of income (such as dividends, interest income, royalties, Fees for Technical Services, etc.) provided in India’s DTAAs with the third States to be available to the first (OECD) State.