Securities and Exchange Board of India (Settlement Proceedings) (Amendment) Regulations, 2022

While arriving at the settlement terms, the IC or HPAC or Panel of WTMs may take into consideration any relevant factor as may be submitted by the applicant including the annual income of the applicant, the past and present trading pattern, including the frequency and quantum of trades. Serious violations may also result in additional terms such as disgorgement of management fee or any other terms as may be decided by the IC, HPAC or the Panel of WTMs.

New Drugs and Clinical Trials (Amendment) Rules, 2022

The amendment has extended the scope of new drugs to include cell or stem cell derived product. Previously the definition of new drug under the New Drugs and Clinical Trials Rules only included stem cell derived product.

The Central Motor Vehicles (Draft Amendment) Rules, 2022.

The Central Motor Vehicles (Draft Amendment) Rules, 2022 been issued which mandates that vehicles of category M1, manufactured after 1st October 2022, shall be fitted with two side/side torso air bags, one each for the persons occupying front row outboard seating positions, and two side curtain/tube air bags, one each for the persons occupying outboard seating positions

Owners of Electric Vehicles can now charge them at their residence/offices using their existing electricity connections.

Any individual/entity is free to set up public charging stations without the requirement of a license provided that, such stations meet the technical, safety as well as performance standards and protocols laid down under the guidelines as well as norms/ standards/ specifications laid down by Ministry of Power, Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) and Central Electricity Authority (CEA) from time to time.