The Companies (Registration offices and fees) Amendment Rules, 2022.

Higher additional fees shall be payable, if there is a delay in filing e-form INC-22, or e-form PAS-3, as the case may be, on two or more occasions, within a period of 365days from the date of filing of the last such belated e-form for which additional fee or higher additional fee, as the case may be, was payable.

MoHFW publishes revised guidelines for managing Health Care Workers (HCWs) working in COVID and Non COVID areas of the Health Care Facilities.

All the Healthcare workers must report every unprotected exposure/ breach of PPE while managing COVID-19 patients to the concerned nodal officer and HoD of the concerned department immediately. Such exposed HCWs shall continue to work wearing appropriate PPE and test themselves at day 5 of the exposure or if symptoms develop anytime within 14 days from the day of exposure.

The Punjab Right to Business (Amendment) Act, 2021.

The Eligible Enterprise willing to avail the Certificate of in Principle Approval, shall furnish to the District Nodal Agency a Declaration of Intent in the format and in the manner as may be prescribed.

MoHFW publishes Revised Discharge Policy for COVID-19.

As per the revised policy mild cases admitted to a COVID Care Facility or under home isolation will undergo regular health monitoring. The patient shall be discharged after at least 7 days have passed from testing positive and with no fever for 3 successive days.

TRAI extends time for receiving comments on data economy framework.

The government has proposed to formulate a scheme to incentivize investments to set up hyper-scale Data Centres in India and boost the capacity of the existing Data Centre ecosystem. Through the present Consultation Paper (CP), the Authority intends to seek the inputs of stakeholders on promoting the establishment of (i) Data Centres, (ii) Content Delivery Networks, and the (iii) Internet Exchange Points in the country.

CBDT amends Faceless Appeal Scheme, 2021

As per the amendment, an electronic record of an order passed under the scheme by the Commissioner of Income-tax (Appeals) shall be
authenticated by by affixing his digital signature.