The Prohibition of Streptomycin + Tetracycline in agriculture (Draft) Order, 2021.

As per the order, no person shall import, manufacture or formulate Streptomycin + Tetracycline for use in agriculture in India with effect from the 1st February, 2022 and no new certificate of registration to manufacture, import or formulate of Streptomycin + Tetracycline for use in Agriculture shall be issued with effect from the 1st February, 2022.

FSSAI issues order regarding appeal procedure specified in Food Safety and Standards (Approval for non-specified food and food ingredients) Regulation, 2017.

As per the revised provision 4(6), the food business operator may file an appeal before the chief executive officer of the food authority against any decision of rejection of application within 30 days of the receipt of rejection letter. Such appeal shall be disposed off within 30 days of its receipt and any delay beyond this shall be allowed within reasons recorded thereof.