Ministry of Finance exempts Manufacturing Unit engaged in Manufacture or Production of Petroleum Crude from Registration.
As per rule 9 of Central Excise Rules, 2017, Every person, who produces, manufactures, carries on trade, holds a private store-room or warehouse or otherwise uses excisable goods or an importer who issues an invoice on which CENVAT credit can be taken, shall get registered.
RBI issues master direction on the interest rate on deposits.
As per section 19(d) the Interest on floating rate deposits shall be paid within the ceiling of swap rates for the respective currency/ maturity and in case of fixed rate deposits, interest shall be paid within the ceiling of Overnight Alternative Reference Rate for the respective currency/ maturity.
Ministry of Corporate Affairs further simplifies IEPFA Claim Settlement Process towards Ease of Doing Business and Ease of Living.
The main objective of the authority includes to promote Investor Education, Awareness & Protection, refund unclaimed shares, dividends and other amounts transferred to it under sections 124 and 125 of the Companies Act 2013 to the rightful claimants. IEPFA works under the administrative control of MCA.
IFSCA has notified the minimum holding period on sale/transfer of loan assets.
IFSCA clarifies, that the Authority does not mandate any Minimum Holding Period (MHP) requirement pertaining to sale/transfer of loan assets(by any means)by/to IFSCA banking unit (IBU).
Government of Andhra Pradesh amends the Andhra Pradesh Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Rules, 1976.
Every person or occupier carrying on any industry, factory, mine, operation or process and all other activities which require consent under the Act , shall submit annual compliance statement to the Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board in the prescribed format every year on or before 30th September along with the environmental statement.
Tripura Government issues revised Rate of Dearness Allowance to the employees of Central Government and Central Autonomous Bodies
The rate is increased from 189% to 196% with effect from July 1, 2021.
Exemption from registration of additional units for manufacturers of Petroleum Crude
Every manufacturing unit engaged in the manufacture or production of Petroleum Crude under the Central Excise Act, 1944, where the manufacturer of such goods has a centralized billing or accounting system in respect of specified goods manufactured or produced by different units or premises, is allowed to register only one unit or premises or office, from where such centralized billing or accounting is done.
Assam Minor Mineral concession (Amendment) Rules, 2021
Urban local bodies shall collect Royalty in 4 (four) equal installments. The first installment shall be collected at the time of granting of building construction permission, the next two installments during construction and the final installment on completion of the” construction works. The Royalties as collected by the Urban Local Bodies shall be deposited the Head of Account or Bank account as shall be notified by the Government.