The New Drugs and Clinical Trials (Draft Amendment) Rules, 2021.

As per rule 2(w)(v) new drug” means a vaccine, recombinant Deoxyribonucleic Acid (r-DNA) derived product, living modified organism, monoclonal anti-body, cell and stem cell derived product, gene therapeutic product or xenografts, intended to be used as drug.

The Drugs (5th Amendment) Rules, 2021.

If the person proposing to manufacture a drug for the purpose of examination, test or analysis does not hold a licence in Form 25 or Form 28 in respect of such drugs he shall, before commencing such manufacture, obtain a licence in Form 29.

Department of Telecommunications has amended the Unified License Agreement for Adjusted Gross Revenue (AGR)

The amendment redefines the term Gross Revenue to include installation charges, late fees, sale proceeds of handsets (or any other terminal equipment etc.), revenue on account of interest, dividend, value added services, supplementary services, access or interconnection charges, roaming charges, revenue from permissible sharing of infrastructure and any other miscellaneous revenue, without any set-off for related item of expense, etc.