CDSCO issues notice regarding review of regulatory regime for drug approval.

Medical devices will, under the new Rules, be classified as per Global Harmonisation Task Force (GHTF) practice, based on associated risks, into Class A (low risk), Class B (low moderate risk), Class C (moderate high risk) and Class D (high risk). The manufacturers of medical devices will be required to meet risk proportionate regulatory requirements that have been specified in the Rules and are based on best international practices.

GSTN issues advisory for taxpayers on Form GSTR-2B.

GSTR-2B is a static statement and is made available for each month on the 14 th day of the succeeding month. For example, for the month of July 2020, the statement was generated and made available to the registered person on 14 th August 2020. Details of all the documents in GSTR-2B is made available online as well as through download facility.

Enforcement drive to check adulteration of Black Salt

In case there is any prima facie indication of any adulteration/malpractice in the production and/or sale of black salt in the premises/market, suitable necessary action as deemed fit may be initiated against the defaulting FBO.