The Central Motor Vehicles (Twenty fourth Amendment) Rules, 2021.
As an incentive for scrapping, concession is stipulated in the motor vehicle tax for a vehicle registered against submission of “Certificate of Deposit”, which is issued by a Registered Vehicle Scrapping Facility.
The Department of Food and Public Distribution develops an application ecosystem that integrates the procurement portals of all state governments.
The Government of India has informed the State Governments and other Public Procurement Agencies at several fora about the requirement of compliance with the Minimum Threshold Parameters for procurement operations. Along with this, the Center has also informed them about the need for integration with the Central Portal of Minimum Threshold Parameters.
Ministry of Power notifies guidelines for the Cyber Security in Power Sector.
The Guideline is applicable to all Responsible Entities as well as System Integrators, Equipment Manufacturers, Suppliers/Vendors, Service Providers, IT Hardware and Software OEMs engaged in the Indian Power Supply System for protection of Control Systems for System Operation and Operation Management, Communication System and Secondary Automation and Tele control technologies.
Ministry of Environment notifies regulation on extended procedure responsibility for plastic packaging.
The regulation has notified the minimum level of recycling (excluding end of life disposal) of plastic packaging waste collected under EPR Target and only those plastics, which cannot be recycled such as multilayered multi-material plastics (at least one layer of plastic and at least one layer of other material), will be sent for end of life disposal such as road construction, waste to energy, waste to oil, cement kilns (for co processing) etc. as per relevant guidelines issued by Indian Road Congress/CPCB from time to time.
The Flat Transparent Sheet Glass (Quality Control) Order, 2021.
The Flat Transparent Sheet Glass shall conform to the corresponding Indian Standard (IS 2835: 1987) and shall bear the Standard Mark under a license from the Bureau as per Scheme I of Schedule-II of the Bureau of Indian Standards (Conformity Assessment) Regulations, 2018.
Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage (Amendment) Act, 2021
The amendment clarifies the buildings which need rain water harvesting structure .
Karnataka Co-operative Societies (Amendment) Act, 2021
The amendment has restructured the membership pattern of the Co-operative Societies to provide that If any person is found to be a member or continuing as member in two or more co-operative societies carrying similar business, it shall be obligatory on his part to retain membership in any one society of his choice within a period of ninety days from the date of commencement of the Karnataka Co-operative Societies (Amendment) Act, 2021. If he fails to do so, his membership shall be deemed to have been ceased in the Co-operative society to which he is newly admitted.
Karnataka Souharda Sahakari (Amendment) Act, 2021
The amendment has redefined the term ‘Souharda Cooperative Society’ to include in its scope a registered Cooperative bank doing the business of banking and which has the words ‘Souharda Co-operative Society’ in its name.