DGFT extends the date for Mandatory Electronic Filing of Non-Preferential CoO to 31st October 2021.
Based on the request of certain Chambers/Associations the existing system of manual/paper-based submission and processing of non-preferential CoO applications is being extended further and the online system is not being made mandatory. This option of submission and issuance of CoO (Non-Preferential) by the issuing agencies through their paper-based systems may continue further up to 31st October 2021.
Ministry of Power has promulgated the Electricity (Transmission System Planning, Development and Recovery of Inter-State Transmission Charges) Rules 2021.
The rules underpin a system of transmission access which is termed as a General Network Access in the inter-state transmission system.
The Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation General (Amendment) Regulations, 2021.
A new regulation 22A relating to deferring or varying the time limit for receipt of repayments under certain circumstances has been inserted through this amendment.
Ministry of Finance exempts COVID-19 vaccine from customs duty till 31st December 2021.
The move will boost domestic availability and make them cheaper as it will help keep low the cost of overseas vaccines.
NCT Delhi clarification regarding P-10 Permit for service of liquor in private functions/parties
Application for P-10 Permit for service of Indian liquor and foreign liquor in private functions/parties shall be submitted 7 days before function/party.
BSE clarification on Formats specifying disclosure of Corporate Governance by High value debt listed entities
The Notice clarifies that listed entities shall submit secretarial audit report and annual secretarial compliance report for listed entities and their material subsidiaries as per SEBI Circular dated February 08, 2019. SEBI circular dated May 31,2021 shall be complied for filing quarterly format for reporting on Corporate Governance compliances.
Income-tax (31st Amendment) Rules, 2021
The amendment revises the provisions governing Indirect transfer prior to 28th May, 2012 of assets situate in India.
Anti-dumping duty imposed on imports of soluble salt, double charge, GVT and PGVT Porcelain/Vitrified tiles
The anti-dumping duty imposed under the notification dated 14 June, 2017 shall remain in force up to and inclusive of the 28th February, 2022, unless revoked, superseded or amended earlier.