RBI publishes master direction for securitisation of standard assets.
The total exposure of an originator to the securitisation exposures belonging to a particular securitisation structure or scheme should not exceed 20% of the total securitisation exposures created by such structure or scheme.
MoRTH notifies rules for Recognition, Regulation, and Control of Automated Testing Stations.
The Automated Testing Station (ATS) may be owned or operated by a person including any individual or company or association or body of individuals or special purpose vehicle or State Government. A Single window clearance system to be provided for pre-registration/registration of the ATS. The registering authority shall not below the rank of the Transport Commissioner of the State.
RBI publishes master direction on Transfer of Loan Exposures.
The lenders must put in place a comprehensive Board-approved policy for transfer and acquisition of loan exposures under these guidelines. These guidelines must, inter alia, lay down the minimum quantitative and qualitative standards relating to due diligence, valuation, requisite IT systems for capture, storage and management of data, risk management, periodic Board level oversight, etc.
The Delhi Shops and Establishments (Amendment) Rules, 2021.
As per the rule, the occupier of the establishment, within 90 days of the commencement of work of his establishment shall apply for the registration under the Act, online on the Shop and Establishment Portal of Labour Department.
The Goa Co-operative Societies (Amendment) Rules, 2021.
The Amendment is brought under rule 4 which deals with the application for registration, in which every application for registration of a society shall be made in Form ‘A’ in any of the following languages viz. Konkani, Hindi, Marathi and English .
Extended date for beneficiaries of cash transfer for food subsidy and subsidized food grains to apply for Aadhar enrollment
The amendment provides that beneficiaries of cash transfer for food subsidy and subsidized food grains shall apply for Aadhar enrollment by the extended date of 31st December, 2021.
MoEF & CC directs SPCBs to not grant or renew consent to establish to enterprises unless environmental clearance is obtained
State Pollution Control Boards to not grant or renew consent to establish to enterprises unless environmental clearance is obtained. They are directed to ensure that enterprises obtain environmental clearance before commencement of a project/ activity.
DGFT allows for import of Soya De-oiled and crushed cakes through ports of Ghojadanga LCS (INGJXB) and Kolkata (INCCUI)
The import was allowed only through INNSAI port or INPTPB port. The ports of Ghojadanga LCS (INGJXB) and Kolkata (INCCUI) are hereby additionally included to the list.