CDSCO has Classified Medical Devices Pertaining to Urology
The list of devices classified into risk category A and B is enlisted in the notice and their intended use is provided.
CDSCO has Classified Medical Devices Pertaining to Pediatrics and Neonatology
The list of devices classified into risk category A,B and C is enlisted in the notice and their intended use is provided.
CDSCO has Classified Medical Devices Pertaining to Obstetrical and Gynecological
The list of devices classified into risk category A, B & C is enlisted in the notice and their intended use is provided.
CDSCO has Classified Medical Devices Pertaining to Dental
The list of devices classified into risk category A and B is enlisted in the notice and their intended use is provided.
Assam PCB issues Protocol for Enhanced Monitoring of Pesticides
The inspection of Technical grade pesticide manufacturing units shall be conducted at least on half yearly basis and the inspection of Pesticide Formulation units shall be conducted at least on annual basis.
Wholesale Price Index for the month of July, 2021
The annual rate of inflation is 11.16% (Provisional) for the month of July, 2021 (over July, 2020) as compared to (-0.25%) in July, 2020. The high rate of inflation in July 2021 is primarily due to low base effect and rise in prices of
crude petroleum & natural gas; mineral oils; manufactured products like basic metals; food products; textiles; chemicals
and chemical products etc as compared the corresponding month of the previous year.
Government of West Bengal relaxes lock down measures
All outdoor activities are prohibited between 11pm to 5am. This order shall commence w.e.f 16.08.2021.
Guidelines for Notification of Accredited Private Agencies Under Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957
At present, only Government agencies are involved in exploration and the pace of exploration is limited by their capacity. The QCI-NABET will grant accreditation to private exploration agencies for undertaking prospecting operations of minerals in accordance with the standards and procedures of the scheme.