Enhancement of collateral free loans to Self Help Groups (SHGs)
For loans to SHGs up to ₹10.00 lakh, no collateral and no margin will be charged. No lien should be marked against savings bank account of SHGs and no deposits should be insisted upon while sanctioning loans.
SEBI has extended the Calendar Spread margin benefit in commodity futures contracts
SEBI previously prescribed norms for providing margin benefit on calendar spread positions in commodity futures contracts for the first three expiries. Considering the possible benefits likely to accrue to the investors, in consultation with clearing corporations, it has been decided to extend the spread margin benefit beyond the first three expiries.
CDSCO classifies medical devices pertaining to ENT.
The Drug Controller General has classified 67 medical devices related to ENT including Audiometer testing system, Behind-the-ear airconduction hearing aid, Electroglottograph, Endaural curette, ENT surgical microscope, Flexible fibreoptic nasopharyngo laryngoscope, Nasal septum straightening forceps etc.
CDSCO classifies medical devices pertaining to ophthalmology under the provisions of Medical Devices Rules, 2017.
Any person who intends to apply for grant of licence in respect of medical devices for import/manufacture for sale or for distribution/ sale, stock, exhibit or offer for sale, may group all or any medical device in accordance with the guidelines to be issued from time to time by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in the Central Government, by taking into consideration the technological changes or development in the field of medical devices and in vitro diagnostic medical devices.
CDSCO classifies medical devices pertaining to Radiotherapy under the provisions of Medical Devices Rules, 2017.
Based on the classification, class wise list of medical devices shall be published on the website of the Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation: Provided that the Central Licencing Authority may, from time to time, make additions or deletions in such list of medical devices or modify the class of any medical device.
Foreign nationals are now eligible for Vaccination in India.
The Foreign Nationals can use their passport as identity document for the purpose of registration on CoWIN portal.