The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (Amendment) Bill, 2021
The amendment seeks to replace the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (Amendment) Ordinance, 2021 promulgated on the 4th day of April, 2021 which laid down the procedure for pre-packaged insolvency resolution process.
The Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Third Amendment Regulations, 2021
The amendment directs manufacturers and traders of oil that if the oil is obtained by the method of solvent extraction, it shall be supplied for human consumption only after refining. The oil so refined shall not contain hexane more than 5.0 ppm. The oil obtained by expelled pressed method shall be free from hexane residues.
Relaxation on Agriculture Infrastructure and Development Cess
As per the amendment, the Agriculture Infrastructure and Development Cess leviable upon Lentil (Mosur) in excess of 10% is exempted.
SEBI directs registrar and share transfer agents (RTAs) to develop inter-operable platform.
The Platform shall enable a user-friendly interface for investors for execution of mutual fund transactions viz. purchase, redemption, switch etc., initiation and tracking of service requests viz. change of email id/contact number/bank account details etc.
IRDAI extends the timeline to comply with the Standards and Benchmarks for the hospitals in the provider network.
All the network providers shall register with Registry of Hospitals in the Network of lnsurers maintained by lnsurance lnformation Bureau (llB). [] and shall Obtain either “NABH Entry Level Certification” (or higher level of certificate) issued by National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers (NABH) or State Level Certificate (or higher level of certificate) under National Quality Assurance Standards (NOAS), issued by National Health Systems Resources Centre (NHSRC).
IBBI amends the guidelines on Technical Standards for the performance of core services and other services under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India regulation.
The amendment defines the term “Identity Details” which means C-KYC number in the C-KYC database maintained by CERSAI or identification number of any OVD of a person who is a resident of India.
Ministry of Finance fixes norms for implementing Ease of Doing Business (EoDB) to enable state-specific reform.
The Ministry has granted additional borrowing of 0.25% for each reform of the Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) to the States for FY 2020-21 subject to the implementation of certain specific state-level reforms.
NSE Issues Guidelines for online closure of trading accounts.
Online requests for closing of trading accounts shall be made available for the clients who have opened their accounts offline or online, by those trading members which provide facility of opening account online and provide various services to their clients in online mode.