Public comments sought on the Cinematograph (Amendment) Bill 2021

The amendment provides that no person shall, without the written authorization of the author, be permitted to use any audiovisual recording device in a place to knowingly make or transmit or
attempt to make or transmit or abet the making or transmission of a copy of a film or a part thereof.

NCT Delhi revises minimum wages

The Government of NCT of Delhi, after adjustment of the average All India Consumer Price Index Number of the period from July 2020 to December 2020 which is 340.95, an increase of 11.79 points, had revised the minimum rates of wages in Scheduled Employments.

The Securities Contracts (Regulation) (Amendment) Rules, 2021.

As per the amendment under rule 19(2) an applicant company shall satisfy the stock exchange that its articles of association provide for the following among others, that the company shall use a common form of transfer and the fully paid shares will be free from all lien etc.