Authorized Dealer Category-1 banks allowed to lend to FPIs for placing margins with CCIL

RBI has allowed banks in India having an Authorized Dealer Category-1 license under FEMA, 1999 to lend to FPIs in accordance with their credit risk management frameworks for the purpose of placing margins with CCIL in respect of settlement of transactions involving Government Securities (including Treasury Bills and State Development Loans) by the FPIs.

Work-from-home for nursing mothers at least for one year

Keeping in view the vulnerability of nursing mothers and their babies during the Covid-19 pandemic and to save them from getting infected by the corona virus, It has been conveyed that employers may be advised to allow work-from-home, wherever nature of work so allows , for nursing mothers at least for a period of one year from the date of birth of the child.

The Chhattisgarh Electricity Duty (Sanshodhan) Act, 2021.

A new section 5(2) has been inserted under Chhattisgarh Electricity Duty Act, 1949, which states that the Chief Electrical Inspector, shall issue direction to any person, officer or authority to disconnect from electric line, any such electricity generating station, against which payments of electricity duty and amounts of interest imposed thereon is due and such person, officer or authority shall be bound to comply with such directions.