MCA publishes the third list of Forms for which due date extension and additional fees waiver is provided
The new list clarifies that filing of FORM FC-1, FORM FC-2, FORM PAS-3, FORM MR-1 are also subject to due date extension and additional fees waiver
Ministry of Finance revises anti-dumping duty for import of Methyl Acetoacetate
The anti-dumping duty for import of Methyl Acetoacetate from China produced by Nantong Acetic
Acid Chemical Co., Ltd. shall be at the rate of 0.277. The anti-dumping duty for import of Methyl Acetoacetate from any country produced by any entity other than Nantong Acetic Acid Chemical Co., Ltd. shall be at the rate of 0.404.
MeitY issues SOP for re-processing wrongly rejected packets in SSUP
MeitY issues SSUP BPO reprocessing functionality for re-processing wrongly rejected
packets. The residents can complaint, and it will be taken up by the concerned authorities for
review and reconsideration. If found wrongly rejected, the packets will be processed
accordingly and the resident will be informed about the status via SMS/ E-mail.
SEBI issues circular on the enhancement of overseas investment limit.
The Mutual Funds can make investments in overseas Exchange Traded Fund(ETF(s)) subject to a maximum of US $ 300 million per Mutual Fund,Within the overall industry limit of US $ 1 billion.
Government of Odisha directs to ensure strict Adherence to COVID vaccination operation guidelines.
MoHFW has communicated that from the mentioned venues, there is no other avenue to carry out vaccination under the National Covid vaccination program and if any Covid vaccination is being carried out in hotels must be stopped immediately and necessary legal & administration action must be initiated against such institutions.
Government of Karnataka constitutes a Grievance Redressal Mechanism for Citizens to forward their Complaints on CAB.
Non compliance with recommended COVID-19 Appropriate Behavior (CAB) like compulsory wearing of mask, maintaining physical distancing (> 2 meters), practicing hand hygiene, etc. in public areas shall be reported to the grievance redressal mechanism.
Ministry of Labour publishes Draft Code on Social Security (Employee’s Compensation) (Central) Rules, 2021.
Under this code, If the amount of compensation payable for damages for default is not paid by the employer within the period of 30 days, the employer shall pay, from the date on which the compensation become payable to the date on which it is paid, simple interest at the rate of 12%. per annum or any other rate notified by the Central Government from time to time.