Gujarat Factories (Amendment) Rules, 2021
The PPEs not having relevant Indian Standards or not having approval from Chief Inspector of Factories, shall be required to be compliant with EN (European Standard) or ANSI (American National Standards Institute) or ISO (International Organization for Standardization).
Version 6 of Clinical Management Protocol for Covid 19
The protocol provides for Infection prevention control (IPC) is a critical and integral part of clinical management of patients and should be initiated at the point of entry of the patient to hospital (OPD or Emergency Department). Standard precautions should always be routinely applied in all areas of health care facilities.
IFSCA withdraws guidelines on issuance of Certificate of Deposits
The International Financial Services Centers Authority has withdrawn the guidelines on issuance of certificate of deposits issued on 10 May, 2021.
DPIIT launches Online Portal for lodging grievances for alleged violation of PPP-MII Order, 2017.
The Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) Order, 2017 was issued to promote goods manufactured in India and with a view to enhance business income and employment and it was intended to boost MSMEs and other businesses’ participation in the public procurement process.
Government of Karnataka issues protocol to be followed by covid care centres for hypoix patients.
As per the protocol the CCC shall start on oxygen support immediately if the patient suffers from breathless and are hypoxic with oxygen saturation 88-94% and shall advice the patient for awake proning.
Government of Tamil Nadu grants relaxation to Industries manufacturing essential commodities, medical supplies and Continuous Process Industries from the lockdown restrictions.
The Government on 22nd May 2021 has extended the lockdown for a week starting from May 24, further tightening some of the relaxations to break the chain of transmission of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Government of Karnataka issues SOP for prevention of COVID-associated Mucormycosis.
The Health Care Facility shall use steroids judiciously observing correctness in the timing, dose and duration.