SEBI has issued relaxations for procedural requirements related to issues and listing
Registrar to the issue, shall ensure that all data with respect to refund instructions is error free to avoid any technical rejections. Further, in case of any technical rejection of refund instruction, same shall be addressed promptly.
Commercial and Cooperative banks are permitted to pay dividend for financial year ended on March 31, 2021
Banks are permitted to pay dividend on equity shares from the profits of the financial year ended March 31, 2021 as per the dividend payout ratio prescribed in the circular dated May 4, 2005.
Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission (Business Plan) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2021
The target Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO) shall be met by entities through purchase of power from various Renewable Energy Sources or purchase of Renewable Energy Certificates („REC‟) or purchase of Hydro Energy Certificates or combination.
The Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission (Renewable Purchase Obligation and Renewable Energy Certificate Framework Implementation) Regulations, 2021
The regulations provides the minimum percentage of total consumption of electricity to be purchased from Renewable Energy Sources by every Every Obligated Entity during the year.
IRDAI directs Hospitals to provide cashless treatment for COVID-19 Policy holders.
Hospitals who have signed Service Level Agreement (SLA) with general and health insurers have to mandatorily provide cashless facility for any treatment to the policyholders including Covid-19 treatment in accordance with the agreed provision of SLA and terms and conditions of policy contract.
IRDAI allows Insurers to invest in debt instrument of InvITS and REITS.
The cumulative Investments in Units and Debt Instruments of InvITs and REITs shall not exceed 3% of total fund size of the Insurer at any point of time.
Government of Tamil Nadu has directed private industry and restaurant owners to assure 100% vaccination to their employers from 1st May 2021.
all sections of people in the 18-45 years age group, including those working at markets, traders, vendors, auto and taxi drivers, government employees, school and college teachers, and transport workers, would be covered during this massive drive .
IRDAI (Manner of Assessment of Compensation to Shareholders or Members on Amalgamation) Regulations, 2021.
The Object of this regulation is to provide for the manner of assessment of compensation for the shareholders or members whose interests in, or rights against, the transferee insurer resulting from amalgamation are less than his interest in, or rights against the original insurer.
Mohfw issues advisory on proning position in self-care for covid-19 patients.
PRONING is the process of turning a patient with precise, safe motions, from their back onto their abdomen (stomach), so the individual is lying face down and it is a medically accepted position to improve breathing comfort and oxygenation.