SEBI directs mutual funds to Assume trusteeship of the assets and liabilities of the new schemes
The circular provides that in case of new sponsor(s) or in case of taking over of the schemes by an existing mutual fund, the undertaking Taking full responsibility of the management and the administration of the schemes including the matters relating to the reconciliation of accounts (as if the schemes had been floated by the new trustees on the date of taking over) are required to be given to the Board and to the unitholders.
Legal Metrology (General) (Amendment) Rules, 2021
The Amendment is issued for the purpose of adopting a uniform procedure throughout the country and to avoid double stamping of the same weights and measures.
Revised interest rate for accumulations at the credit of subscribers to the Provident Funds
Accumulations at the credit of subscribers to the General Provident Fund and other similar funds like C.P.F. shall carry interest at the rate of 7.1 % (Seven point One percent) per annum.
The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Liquidation Process) (Amendment) Regulations, 2021
The Amendment is brought under regulation 31 (2) which has directed the liquidator to file the list of stakeholders with the Adjudicating Authority within forty-five days from the last date for receipt of the claims.
Documents required for registering under motor vehicle act shall be done electronically.
The new sub-rule specifies the documents required for registration which has to be done electronically and after the sale of Vehicles all the documents related to registration shall have to be uploaded by the dealer on Vahan 4.0 software after signing it through ‘digital sign certificate (DSC).
The Central Motor Vehicles (Third Amendment) Rules, 2021.
All vehicles manufactured on and after the 1st of April, 2021, in the case of new models, and 31st day of August, 2021, in the case of existing models, to be fitted with airbag.
Government of Rajasthan to charge more than Rs.10, 000 for converting Private Company to LLP.
The registration fees chargeable in excess of rupees ten thousand on the instrument relating to the conversion of partnership firm, private limited company or unlisted public limited company into limited liability partnership or vice versa shall be remitted.