Union Government launches Unified Farmer Service Platform and Farmers Database
The central government has introduced a nationwide Farmers Database linked with land records for better planning, monitoring, policy making, strategy formulation and smooth implementation of schemes for farmers. a Unified Farmer Service Platform, a combination of Core Infrastructure, Data, Applications and Tools that enable seamless interoperability of various public and private IT systems in the agriculture ecosystem, is also launched.
Union minister clarifies steps taken to implement National Food Security Mission (NFSM)
The National Food Security Mission (NFSM) provides assistance to the farmers for purchase of pumps sets, water carrying pipes, sprinkler sets and mobile raingun through the State Governments/UTs. The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) through its various research institutes, All India Coordinated Research Projects (AICRPs), network projects and State Agriculture Universities endeavors to develop high yielding varieties(HYV)/hybrids of various crops in the country.
IFSC notifies framework for enabling ancillary services.
The Framework shall be applicable to all ancillary service providers engaged in one or more permissible ancillary services within the IFSC.
DGFT amends the application process for electronic-importer exporter ccode.
the Application process for IEC and updation in IEC is completely online and IEC can be generated by the applicant as per the procedure detailed in the Hand book of Procedure.
CPCB grants two week time period for submission of analytical reports by the laboratories.
The Central Pollution Control Board vide its notification date 8th February 2021 has decided to extend two week time period i.e up to 19th February 2021 to all participating laboratories for their submission of test reports of analytical quality control exercise for the parameter trace metals.