EPFO’s Unified Portal for Principal Employers to view EPF compliances of their Contractors & contract workers
EPFO registered employers engaging employees by or through contractor(s) can add the details of contractor(s), contract amount, tenure & UANs of contract employees at Employer Interface of EPFO’s Unified Portal.
The Rajasthan PCB has issued Clarification regarding status of installation/ connectivity of OQEMS and submission of Bank Guarantee
The State PCB in order to maintain uniformity for all the industries covered under the CPCB directions dated 05.02.2014 and 02.03.2015, has issued procedure for submission of bank guarantee for industries covered under the purview of the OCEMS installation.
MCA notifies Companies (Incorporation) Second Amendment Rules, 2021.
The company shall file an application in e-Form No.INC-6 for its conversion into Private or Public Company, other than under section 8 of the Act, along with fees as provided in the Companies (Registration offices and fees) Rules, 2014.
Companies (Compromises, Arrangements and Amalgamations) Amendment Rules, 2021.
The Amendment is brought under Rule 25(1A) which notifies a scheme of merger or amalgamation under section 233 of the Act which may be entered into between any of the class of companies, namely two or more start-up companies; or one or more start-up companies with one or more small companies.
IBBI issues Format for Providing a Copy of Application for Initiation of Insolvency Resolution Process of Personal Guarantors.
The Rule mandates the applicant to provide a copy of the application filed for initiation an insolvency resolution process of a personal guarantor to a corporate debtor, inter alia, to the Board for its record.
SEBI issues direction for setting up of LPCC by Asset Management Companies.
The AMCs shall contribute INR 150 Cr. towards share capital of LPCC in proportion to the Asset Under Management of open-ended debt oriented mutual fund schemes.
Ministry of Agriculture notifies the Pine nut Grading and Marking Rules, 2021.
The authorized packer shall either set up his own laboratory as per prescribed norms or have access to an approved State Grading Laboratory or cooperative or association laboratory or a private commercial laboratory manned by a qualified chemist approved by the Agricultural Marketing Adviser.