ESIC provides for online extension of stay, addition or modification in treatment procedure
ESIC has ordered the authorities to utilize the online provision in UTI system to grant extension for stay, addition or modification in treatment procedure.
RBI relaxes the requirement of Additional Factor of Authentication applicable to Card transactions in Contactless mode
RBI has announced in the Statement on Developmental and Regulatory Policies dated December 4, 2020 that per transaction limit for AFA relaxation for contactless card transactions will be increased to ₹ 5,000/-.
RBI delegates more powers to the Authorised Dealer for facilitating the export of goods and services.
The AD banks have been allowed to regularise cases of dispatch of shipping documents by the exporter direct to the consignee or his agent resident in the country of the final destination of goods, up to USD 1 million or its equivalent per export shipment.
RBI extends Liquidity Adjustment Facility and Marginal Standing Facility to Regional Rural Banks.
The names of RRBs which meet the eligibility norms to participate in LAF and MSF (Positive List) and of those RRBs found ineligible (Negative List) will be intimated to the banks concerned. The eligibility status of the banks will be reviewed on an ongoing basis.
RBI to introduce cooling period under payment and settlement system Act 2007.
The Cooling Period shall be for one year from the date of revocation / non-renewal / acceptance of voluntary surrender / rejection of application, as the case may be.
RBI increases the limit for contactless Card transactions & processing of e-mandates for recurring transactions.
The enhanced limit of Rs 5,000 in single transaction will also be effective on electronic mandates for recurring payments.