Guidelines for Delivery of Mental Healthcare Services during the Covid-19 Pandemic
The guidelines provides directions to mental health practioners, patients, public and governments on providing Mental Healthcare Services following the Covid-19 norms and in context of the impact the pandemic and lockdown had on the mental health of humanity.
Draft Code on Wages (Central) Rules, 2020
The Rules provides the procedure to fix minimum wages, working hours, shifts, holidays and floor price. It also provides the constitution and functions of Central Advisory Board.
The Draft Industrial Relation (Central) Rules, 2020
The Rules provides mechanism for resolution of Industrial disputes and also for constitution of Bi-Party forums. It also lays down the norms for strikes, lockouts, Lay-Off, Retrenchment and Closure.
Haryana Government issues the criteria for recognition of third-party agencies under the Third Party certification/Audit Scheme
The Haryana Labour Department has notified the criteria for recognition of third-party agencies/individuals under the Third Party certification/Audit Scheme along with the list of the safety auditors/institutions.
DGFT issues notice for linking/registration of IECs in the new revamped DGFT online environment.
The online process relating to entire lifecycle of Advance Authorisation, EPCG & DFIA including their paperless Exports Obligation Discharge (EODC) shall be rolled out soon.
NSE extends the timeline to submit Internal Risk Assessment of Registered Intermediaries.
The submission should mandatorily be made electronically through the new module named- ‘Internal Risk Assessment under “ENITCOMPLIANCE-NEW” service Menu for members to make their submission and no physical copies shall be submitted.
CBIC Issues Guidebook For ‘Faceless Assessment’.
he Faceless Assessment uses a technology platform to separate the Customs assessment process from the physical location of a Customs officer at the port of arrival. This measure will bolster efforts to ensure an objective, free, fair and just assessment.