MEITY amends the Second Schedule of the IT Act, 2000

This notification has inserted a new provision on e- authentication technique and procedure for creating and assessing subscriber’s signature key facilitated by trusted third-party. The provision specifies the responsibilities of the trusted third party, for example, facilitation of identity verification of the Digital Signature Certificate applicant, facilitation of key pair-generation, secure storage of subscriber’s signature key, etc. This new provision will now be in addition to the existing provision on e- authentication technique through Aadhaar and other e- KYC services.

SEBI publishes an additional framework for the issuance, listing and trading of PNCPS and IPDIs

This additional framework states that the Perpetual Non- Cumulative Preference Shares (PNCPS) and Innovative Perpetual Debt Instruments (IPDIs) must mandatorily be issued on the Electronic Book Provider (EBP) platform. Furthermore it also specifies the type of permitted investors (only Qualified Institutional Buyers), the allotment size (min. of Rs. crore), trading lot size (min. of Rs.1 crore) and other specified requirements, such as disclosures mentioned in Annex I and provisions of circulars specified in Annex II of the present Circular.