SEBI extends time limit for bond submission by trading members till 31st October.
SEBI has decided to provide flexibility to the SEs/ CCs for modifying the Undertaking cum Indemnity bond they need to take from TMs/ CMs and suitably modify the draft undertaking wherever required.
ESIC extends the scheme Atal Beemit Vyakti Kalyan Yojana till 30th June 2021.
As per the revised eligibility condition, the insured person should have been in insurable employment for a minimum period of 2 years immediately before his/her unemployment and should have contributed for not less than 78days in the contribution period immediately preceding to unemployment.
SEBI further extends the timelines for compliance with the regulatory requirements by the trading members/clearing members.
The timeline for maintaining call recordings of orders/instructions received from clients has been extended up to 31st December 2020.
The government of Andhra Pradesh imposes City Level Infrastructure Impact Fees on large projects/buildings.
In order to encourage the Housing activity and construction industry in the State, the payment of City Level Infrastructure Impact Fees is allowed in six (6) equated interest-free installments within a period of three (3) years.