CBIC omits Rule 4 of the Deferred Payment of Import Duty Rules, 2016
The erstwhile Rule 4 dealt with rendering information about intent to avail benefit of deferred payment facility. It stipulated that if an importer sought to obtain an order of clearance from the Customs Authorities for home consumption of imported goods and he wished to make deferred payment of the import duty, he was required to convey this to the Authorities. However, by virtue of the Deferred Payment of Import Duty (Amendment) Rules, 2020, this Rule has been done away with.
The Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board revises categorisation of sectors based on Range of Pollution Index
The Order categorises industrial sectors into four categories namely, RED, ORANGE, GREEN and WHITE depending on their Pollution Index Scores. RED, being the highest category has a score of 60 or more, whereas, WHITE, being the lowest category has a score of 20 or less. This categorisation has also been extended to Scrapping Centres, Used Cooking Oil Centres, Compressed/ Refined Biogas Production and Railway Stations. Furthermore, the Order gives effect to CPCB directions for segregation of the list of Non- Industrial Sectors into an independent list. Prior to this direction, these non- industrial sectors were included under the categorization of industrial sectors.
Orissa State Pollution Control Board issues Guidelines to successful bidders of new mining leases under the vested Consent Order
The Guidelines state that the new lessee must apply for a fresh Consent To Operate (CTO) from the State Pollution Control Board (STBC) within 120 days from the date of execution of the mining lease. However to encourage the seamless transition of mining leases, successful bidders/ nominated owners can begin mining operations in the meanwhile, subject to compliance with pollution control measures, government approvals and CTO conditions as per the vested Consent Order. Furthermore, the validity of the vested Consent to Establish (CTE) and Consent to Operate (CTE) shall be for two years from the date of execution of mining lease or till the date of getting fresh CTE & CTO, whichever is earlier.
Government of Bhopal publishes Draft Madhya Pradesh Bhumi Vikas Niyam Amendment, 2020.
The Amendment brings in a new definition for the term licensed architect/Structural Engineer/ Engineer/ Supervisor/ Town Planner/ Fire Engineer/ Group which means, respectively any qualified architect/ structural engineer/ engineer/ supervisor/ town planner/ fire engineer/ group who, where necessary, has been licensed as such by the Authority.
IRDAI seeks inputs from stakeholders on the report on loss prevention and minimalization of the General Insurance Industry.
Loss prevention and minimization activities are part and parcel of what the insurers do, as it helps improve their claims experience in various ways.
The Government of Himachal Pradesh has further extended the working hour of factories.
All factories registered under factories Act 1948 shall employ adult women workers from 6. Am to 7.Pm only.
FSSAI directs food safety officers to monitor the production process of all vegetable oil refineries and blending units.
If the food safety officer seizes any adulterant food product, the burden of proving the adulteration shall be on the person from whom the possession of such adulteration was seized.