The Odisha Government Hikes Minimum Wages of Workers
The Labour Commissioner of Orissa notified that Variable Dearness Allowance at the rate of Rs. 5.40 per day shall be paid to un-skilled, skilled and highly skilled categories of employees.
Central Government Notifies Central Motor Vehicles (Seventh Amendment) Rules, 2020
The Central Motor Vehicles (Seventh Amendment) Rules, 2020 prescribe regulations for tyres, safety glass and external projections among others.
FSSAI notifies Food Safety and Standards (Laboratory and sample Analysis) First Amendment Regulations, 2020
The FSSAI may approve Rapid Analytical Food testing Kit, Equipment or Method for the purpose of testing of Food and the procedure for approval shall be as per the guidelines that may be framed by the Food Authority from time to time.
FSSAI to allow the sale of pulses containing khesari gram not more than 2%.
FSSAI has provided, that the pulses may contain incidental presence of khesari gram including other edible pulses/grains but not more than 2% by mass.
SEBI further extends the relaxation on procedural norms for open, buyback offers
The validity of relaxations, as provided in its earlier circular dated 14th May 2020, has further been extended and shall be applicable for open offers and buy-back through tender offers opening up to December 31, 2020.
ESIC proposes to increase the confinement expenses to pregnant women
ESIC has proposed to increase Confinement Expenses paid to pregnant women, who are not able to avail maternity services of ESIC dispensaries from Rs 5,000 to Rs 7,500 and the confinement expenses shall be paid for two confinements only.
Foreign Exchange Management (Non-debt Instruments) (Third Amendment) Rules, 2020
The amendment empowers the RBI to issue such directions, circulars, instructions, clarifications necessary for effective implementation of the provisions of these rules, without consulting the central government.