SEBI has extended the relaxation relating to right issues till 31st December 2020.
The Securities and Exchange Board of India vide its circular dated 24th July 2020 has extended the relaxations to companies from compliance with procedural norms pertaining to rights issues opening till 31st December.
Ministry of Shipping waives waterways usage charges to promote Inland water transport
The Ministry of Shipping has decided to waive waterway usage charges in order to promote inland waterways as a supplementary, eco-friendly and cheaper mode of transport. Charges are waived initially for three years.
Draft Puducherry Child and Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) (Amendment) Rules, 2020
The State Government to ensure that the children and adolescents are not employed or permitted to work in any occupation or process in contravention to the provisions of the Act, through appropriate measures and to arrange public awareness to make the general public, aware about the provisions of the Act.
SEBI directs depositories to record all types of encumbrances
The SEBI has directed the depositories to put in place a system for capturing and recording all types of encumbrances within one month from the date of this circular.
CBIC Invites Suggestions for Review of Customs Laws and Procedures
The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) has invited suggestions to review the Customs laws and procedures and the Customs Duty Exemption Notifications.
The Government of Himachal Pradesh Exempts Levy of Tax on Trucks
The Government of Himachal Pradesh Exempts Levy of Tax on Trucks entering the State of Himachal Pradesh for the purpose of transportation of apples and potatoes out of the State till October 31st.
CBDT notifies the Income-Tax (17th Amendment) Rules, 2020
Upon deduction of tax at a higher rate under section 206AA, the Amendment provides that in case of a non-resident deductee, other than a company, or a foreign company and not having a PAN, the provisions of section 206AA shall not apply in respect of payments in the nature dividends as well as interest, royalty, fees for technical services and payments on the transfer of any capital asset.
CBIC relaxes submission of custom sealed sample for clearance of import consignments of livestock
The CBIC for ease of doing business has relaxed the requirement for submitting custom sealed sample for clearance of import consignments of livestock under no testing category.
The central government establishes Central Consumer Protection Authority
The CCPA is vested with the power to conduct investigations into violations of consumer rights and institute complaints or prosecution, order recall of unsafe goods and services, order discontinuance of unfair trade practices and misleading advertisements, impose penalties on manufacturers or endorsers or publishers of misleading advertisements.
DGFT invites applications for export of PPE as per revised criteria and procedure
The DGFT has invited fresh applications for export of PPE coveralls and has also issued a revised criteria for export and a revised procedure for applying.