RBI exempts venture capital fund companies from section 45-IA and 45-IC of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934
RBI exempts venture capital fund companies registered under SEBI from section 45-IA and 45-IC of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 and guidelines issued by the Bank for NBFCs.
IRDAI issues guidelines for “corona kavach” policy
The IRDAI has mandated general and health insurers to offer the indemnity based Individual COVID Standard Health Policy called “Corona Kavach”. The regulator has allowed 30 General and Health Insurance Companies to market the Policy.
IRDAI brings in modification to group insurance policies
Life Insurers offering group credit life insurance schemes, where under, the members have availed moratorium on payment of EMIs are allowed to suitably modify the term and sum assured under such schemes, against the collection of additional premium as may be required, in respect of such members, so that they may continue to be covered as per the revised loan repayment schedule.
Puducherry Building and other construction workers (regulation of employment and conditions of service) Amendment Rules, 2020
Puducherry Building and other construction workers (regulation of employment and conditions of service) Amendment Rules, 2020 provides for application for registration, payment of fees and submission of annual returns to be made online.
Government of Karnataka has introduced fixed-term workmen in the model standing order
The Karnataka Industrial Employment (Standing order) rules 1961 amended to introduce the term “fixed-term employment” which allows flexibility to the industry to hire and fire easily and is considered to be more flexible than the contract system.
The Jharkand PCB mandates online submission of compliance of EC
From October 2020 all industries in Jharkand shall submit the Compliance of Environmental Clearance online through the web portal.