SEBI issued Standardized Format to report Code of Conduct violation under Insider Trading Regulations
Securities and Exchange Board of India (“SEBI”), vide a Circular dated July 19, 2019, has notified a standardized Format for all listed companies, intermediaries and fiduciaries to report violation of the code of conduct for designated persons and their immediate relatives. The entities are also required to maintain a database of the violation of such code of conduct by designated persons and their immediate relatives.
Formats for Limited Review of Audit Report revised
Securities and Exchange Board of India has amended the procedure and format for limited review/audit report vide a Circular dated July 19, 2019.
The modification has been made in Formats for the Limited Review Report and Illustrative formats of independent auditor’s report.
Validity of Factory License extended up to 10 Years in Jharkhand
The Government of Jharkhand vide notification no SO-60 has notified Factories (Jharkhand Amendment) Rules, 2019, amending sub-rule (2) of Rule 5 of the Jharkhand Factories Rules, 1950. As per the amended Rules, License granted or renewed, shall remain valid or be in force for a minimum period of ten year to maximum period of fifteen […]